This will be a short post for all of my fellow girl moms out there!
I don’t know about you, but my little one does not enjoy sitting still. Ever. So when bath time rolled around each night and it’s time to get those pesky little rubber band hair ties out of her piggy tails, I was always worried about pulling her hair or getting her hair all tangled up. I’ve wondered if some hair ties can prevent the struggle altogether, but I have yet to find the perfect tangle-free hair ties.
But with this mom hack, I don’t need tangle-free hair ties.
Today I am going to share an amazing mom hack with you to eliminate hair pulling and tugging forever (or at least until she’s willing to sit still!)
Lemon essential oil. That’s all it takes.
Get a small drop of that magic oil on your finger and hold it onto the rubber band. Or transfer it with a q-tip. Or just drop it straight onto the hair tie itself! (speaking of tiny hair ties, these are my favorite for the price) Give it a few seconds, and then watch the magic happen.
The lemon essential oil actually eats away at the plastic and causes it to break. For all of my science moms out there, the plastic rubber bands are made with something called Polystyrene (plastic number 6). This compound is pretty easily dissolved by d-limonene which is found in lemon essential oil! The d-limonene breaks up the van der Waals forces and breaks those Polystyrene chains apart from each other – resulting in a lovely, pain-free, broken hair tie.
This is an especially great hack if you’re dealing with a tiny hair tie that has already gotten tangled up in all that baby hair.
So next time you find yourself face-to-face with a messy pony, skip the scissors, bypass the hair pulling, and whip out your essential oil. And share with all of your mama friends who can appreciate this mom hack, too!