Welcome to Flawed & Fearless!
A community of mamas ready to embrace the flaws as we navigate motherhood – fearless and empowered.
Hey there! My name is Jess. I am a mom to 1 (for now) beautiful and goofy baby girl. I started this site to connect the pieces between pregnancy, birth, labor, postpartum healing, motherhood, and everything that follows. When I first found out I was pregnant, I soured the internet hoping to learn as much as possible about pregnancy… just to find out how little I truly knew.

Hopefully this Flawed & Fearless site and community can help organize the overwhelming amount of information that is out there for you! Before staying at home with my baby, I was a teacher for many years, not to mention a slightly OCD Type-A personality. My goal is to eventually create a place where you can turn for information on all things mom-related. Bear with me as I work to get everything completed and published! My baby girl demands quality time with her mama all day, and she deserves no less. But please check back often for updates, tips, recipes, my favorite workout goddesses, and of course my favorite products.
“Being a mama can be tough, but always remember in the eyes of your child, no one can do it better than you.”
I can’t wait to go on this journey with you.